Seabuckthorn Seed Oil500mg, 100% Natural, 60 Softgels
The Great Khan used it to conquer the world, you can use it to better your health.
CO2 supercritical fluid extracted, this oil contains 106 bioactive elements. Of the14 fatty acids almost 90% are unsaturated and the two essential unsaturated fatty acids linolenic acid (Omega 3) and linoleic acid (Omega 6) are in almost perfect 1:1 ratio. A rare source of vitamin E, it also provides other vitamins including Vitamins A, C, D, K, etc, carotenoids, flavonoids, phytosterols, amino acids, serotonin and 28 trace elements: iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iodine, etc. It is cardiotonic, stomachic, dermatropic, antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-radiation (protects white blood cells), anti-constipation, maintains healthy cholesterol level, softens blood vessel, reduces blood fat, promotes circulation and natural healing, a perfect dietary supplement as well as infant food.
Great for both internal and external use. |
Seabuckthorn Seed Oil: A Rich Natural Remedies Store by Itself
The Legendary Seabuckthorn
Legend said that before 12 century BC, the ancient Greeks were surprised to find that some sick horses let loose to die a natural death, became strong and energetic again. The source of this magic was traced to a kind of shrubbery. They name the shrub Hippophae rhamnoides L, meaning trees that make horse shine.
Modern research uncovered many great medicinal and nutritional values of seabuckthorn fruit and seed oil. Seabuckthorn, especially its seed oil is packed with wonderful bioactive substances and nutrients. Nearly 90% of seabuckthorn seed oil is unsaturated fatty acids including linolenic acid (Omega 3), linoleic acid (Omega 6), oleic acid (Omega 9), palmitoleic acid, etc. It is also exceptionally rich in Vitamin E with vitamins A, D, C, D and K, etc. Its active ingredients include carotene, flavonoids, phytosterols, serotonin, amino acids and trace elements including iron, zinc, calcium, manganese, selenium, iodine, etc., that are so important to good health.
Seabuckthorn Seed Oil and Immunity
Immunity is the ability and process of resistance of the human body against pathogens harmful to our body. This is crucial to good health because it means not only freedom from diseases and pains, but also a optimal condition physically, mentally and socially. Continuous good health depends on two things: prevention and wholistic maintenance. In other words, to eliminate pathogens before illness strikes and to avoid further pathological changes and compications when it does.
Seabuckthorn seed oil provides more than 100 nutrients and bioactive substances, and many of them are considered immune building factors, such as linolenic acid, vitamins E, A, carotene, polyphenols, flavonoids and trace elements including iron, copper, manganese, selenium, etc. This group of well-coordinated and well-proportioned immune building factors regulates and improves the immune system in different processes and at different levels, restores disturbed immune system, strengthens the body¡¯s resistance to diseases, thus effectively preventing diseases and speeding up recovery.
Experiments show that seabuckthorn seed oil can substantially enhance the immunity of cells and body fluids, promote phagocytosis of macrophage, and markedly restore natural killer cell level.
Since the later 1970s, scientific studies led to many important discoveries about the adverse effects of free radicals and oxidation on our health. It is found that more than 80 diseases are related to free radicals, the most common ones include stroke, myocardial infarction, infant anemia, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, tumors, cataract, radiation damage, burn, brown spots, wrinkles, aging, arthritis, lung disease, nephritis, hepatitis, etc.
Seabuckthorn seed oil is a pure natural antioxidant store. Its rich content of flavonoids, glucosides, phenols, terpenes, vitamins E, A, C, b-carotene, and trace elements including iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, etc., are all antioxidants with very low molecular weight to neutralize free radicals. With collective power they are even more effective. At the same time, seabuckthorn seed oil can also activate superoxide dismutase whose role in the body is to eliminate free radicals.
As a natural immune enhancer, it maintains the stability of the immune system and keeps the supervisory role of the system normal, thus eliminating the mutant and dead cells caused by free radicals, and enhancing phagocytosis of macrophage and killing cancerous cells.
Gastrointestinal Health
Importance of digestive health can never be over-emphasized as this is the provider of nutrients for the body to ensure its normal functions. Statistics show that 25% of adults, 32% of students, 65% of married women, and 90% of elderly people suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, and the incidents are on the rise. These include gastric and duodenal ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, chronic diarrhea, colitis, etc.
Containing numerous anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer substances, the pharmaceutical effects of seabuckthorn seed oil is direct and clear. The concerted and mutual promoting actions of the more than 100 elements have positive effects on the endocrine, circulation, immune, and nervous systems and this in turn creates a most favorable condition for the digestive system. First, the oil provides a protective coating inside the stomach, intestines and duodenum, thus preventing pathogens from harming them, and keeping pathogenic changes from spreading. The anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties of b-sitosterol-b-D-glucosides, usorlic acid and betaine promote ulcer healing, prevent spread and inhibit erosion. b-carotene, vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids stimulate cell metabolism at site and repair of injuries. Meanwhile, seabuckthorn seed oil has remarkable inhibiting effects on gastric acid and abnormal increase of gastric proteinase, thus keeping the ulcer from spread and metastasis.
Cerebral-cardiovascular Health
Both the incidence and death rate of cerebral-cardiovascular disease are very high and currently it is the number one killer taking more than 16 million lives a year. The principal culprit of this disease is arteriosclerosis that is closely related to high blood fat.
Seabuckthorn seed oil actively reduces blood fat level on the one hand and nurture the blood vessels and improve the quality of the vessels. Of the rich unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid reduces cholesterol; linoleic acid regulates blood pressure and reduces serum cholesterol and prevents arrhythmia; and linolenic acid reduces blood pressure, dissolves accumulated fat and promote metabolism. Together they also inhibit platelet agglutination and prevent thrombosis.
Sitosterol is one of the materials forming cell membrane and it stimulates metabolism. Sitosterol combines cholesterol with foods, and thus reducing serum cholesterol. b-sitosterol also effectively prevents arteriosclerosis.
Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant, promoting metabolism, preventing oxidation of high-density cholesterol in the serum, thus inhibiting and reducing cholesterol settlement along the blood vessel wall. It also prevents oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and enhances immunity.
Phosphatides and triterpenoids inhibit cholesterol formation, thus prevents lipid formation, and helps its removal, etc.
Seabuckthorn seed oil has tonic effects to cerebral cardiovascular systems. Total flavonoids increase blood flow of the coronary artery and nutrients in the blood supply to heart muscles, lower oxygen consumption, strengthen muscle contraction, thus improving the heart function and to increase the anti-hypoxia under normal or below normal blood pressure. Sitosterol softens the blood vessels, and increases their tenacity, improves its elasticity, thus preventing hardening (arteriosclerosis). Vitamins E and other antioxidants remove wastes including peroxides, ailing and dead cells from the blood, and void damages the wastes may do to the artery walls. 5-serotonin and betaine protect the cerebral cardiovascular functions by comprehensive regulation and coordination of the nervous, endocrine and the immune systems.
More than 40 millions people today are suffering from cancer and are dying one every 6 seconds.
Both Chinese and former Soviet scientists found that flavonoids such as coumarins, isocoumarins, furocoumarins, quassin, together with serotonin, and phenols, produce integrative anticancer effects. Besides, they also play a regulating and correcting role to natural immune system, maintaining a stable and enhanced activity of the killer cells.
Anticancer properties of seabuckthorn seed oil are effected in several ways. First, it is the combined action of anticancer factors. b-carotene, flavonoids, polyphenols, terpene, alkaloid and trace elements are anticancer in property. Together they exert concerted effects that are far more potent than just the sum total of their individual effects.
Anticarcinogenic factors in seabuckthorn seed oil can cut short the cancer process. For an instance, it blocks carcinogenic effects of NDMA, hepatitis C virus, and aflatoxin, thus preventing growth of cancer cells. Antioxidants also effectively prevent damages done by free radicals, and cancer cell formation. Seabuckthorn seed oil stimulates the immune functions and activities of globulin C, increases antibodies, and enhances phagocytosis of macrophage, thus strengthening the body¡¯s resistance to cancerous mutations.
Seabuckthorn seed oil plays a very important role even for those who had major operations, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. These are all drastic measures and the body will have to suffer great loss making the patient feeble and depleted. Chemo and radiation necessarily hurt the digestive system, blood generation, liver and kidney functions, and skin health. The patient may suffer nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, body weakness and bad mood, and many may experience complications such as uremia. The fact is many patients do no die of cancer, but of complications.
Seabuckthorn seed oil not only has very good effects against cancer, it also can improve life quality of the patients by reducing the adverse effects of the above-mentioned drastic measures. It provides the patient with a rich and comprehensive supply of nutrients that help improve conditions of the patient and resistance. Seabuckthorn seed oil also improves blood circulation and removes stasis, and eliminates waste, promotes tissue growth and avoids infection at the site of the operation. For those who have chemo, taking seabuckthorn seed oil may help counteract the many side-effects, improving gastrointestinal functions, increasing appetite, restoring liver and kidney functions, keeping the patient in good mood. Used with other cancer drugs, it may improve the treatment and reduce reoccurrence and metastasis. Post operation radiation may result in skin burn, ulceration, drastic drop of white blood cells, and lowering of resistance to pathogens. Seabuckthorn seed oil increases the self- repairing ability of the traumatized organs and cells, promotes the functions of the spleen and bone marrow and blood generation, and protects the heart, spleen, liver, kidney against the damaging effects of radiation. This not only helps strengthen the body¡¯s resistance, but also prevents other problems radiation may lead to.
Liver Health
Experiments show seabuckthorn seed oil reduces liver damage by alcohol, parasetamol and carbon tetrachloride, a strong poison to the liver. It also has a preventive property to fatty liver. This is because it increases metabolism of cholesterol and fat, thus extensively improves liver fat metabolism disorders. This in turn may reduce incidence of cancer and arteriosclerosis.
Your Sub-Health Condition
The World Health Organization found that 10% of world adult population are in sub-health condition in which all physical and chemical indexes seams normal, but the person is suffering from all kind of discomfitures and problems.
Sub-health condition includes (1) chronic fatigue complex as results of over taxing physical and mental work or long term stress, such as insomnia, forgetfulness, somnolence, profuse dreaming, dizziness, distention in the head, mental fatigue, cumbersome limbs, shoulder and back soreness, lack of concentration, proneness to flu and cold, etc; (2) poor appetite, dizzy head and vision, depression and fright, vexation, agitation, irascibility, tidal fever, vacuity sweating, congestion, short of breath, general body weakness, irregular menses, poor sexual performance which are the results of endocrine disorders, menopausal complex and aging; and (3) vacuity sweating, congestion, short of breath, palpitation, dizzy head and vision, general lack of strength which occur after a serious illness or chronic diseases. This is a critical state of health in which pathogens may invade and diseases take place.
Seabuckthorn seed oil provides various nutrients and bio-active substances the body needs, such as unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, phytosterols, amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. They regulate and harmonize the endocrine, circulatory, autonomic nerve and digestive systems. This with antioxidant and free radical resistant properties, may effectively restore health and get rid of sub-health conditions. Many people are amazed how the use of seabuckthorn seed oil make them free of flu and colds they always had when the season arrives.
Anti-ageing and Youthfulness
Experts compared seabuckthorn seed oil with 5 most frequently used skin creams and found that the content of free fatty acids, carbohydrates, phytosterol, phosphatide, vitamins E and A, carotenoids that are dermatopically effective are many times higher in seabuckthorn seed oil than their counterparts. They are organically combined together providing more protection and nutrition to the skin. The free fatty acids for an instance, is easily absorbed by the skin which it helps keep slightly acidic, and inhibits fungus and mould. Linoleic acid and linolenic acid promote repair of tissue damage, and the hydrocarbon prevents excessive moisture loss of the skin, softens and lubricates the skin and keep it smooth and fair. Sitosterol improves mirco-circulation in the skin, phosphatide forms a protective film to prevent moisture loss and keep invaders at bay, and acts both as a moisture regulator and an antioxidant.
As an antioxidant, fighter and neutralizer of free radicals and peroxides, and immune builder, seabuckthorn seed oil is also an effective anti-aging agent, slowing down the aging process both internally and externally.
Skin Health
The miracle properties of stimulation to tissue regeneration and epithelial healing with analgesic and anti-inflammation effects but without leaving scars, make seabuckthorn seed oil a most welcome remedy for burn, cuts, frostbites, bed sores, etc.
Radiation is not limited to post operational radiation treatment of cancer. As a matter of facts, many people either due to their profession or special environment, may be subjected to radiation including computer operators, cell phone users, medical personal related to X-ray, electronic or nuclear workers, astronauts, pilots, stewards stewardesses, etc.
Vitamin E, carotenoids, flavonoids, unsaturated fatty acids, malic acid and selenium promote self-reparation of damaged tissues and cells. As a whole seabuckthorn seed oil stimulates bone marrow and blood generation and thus protects the heart, spleen, liver and kidney from radiation damage;
Womans Health
Gynecological disorders trouble many women, among them the most frequent problems are menstruation pain, menopausal syndromes, anemia, cervical erosion, cervicitis, vaginitis, etc. Seabuckthorn seed oil provides comprehensive nutrients and has multi-effects on the endocrine, circulation, nerve, immune and reproductive systems by regulating and coordinating them. It also has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-infection and anti-inflammation properties and both internal and external use can effectively deal with menstruation pain, cervical erosion, cervicitis and vaginitis, and is very helpful to improve midlife changes.
Childrens Health
Children need comprehensive and well-balanced nutritional structure to grow strong and healthy. Seabuckthorn seed oil provides rich vitamins A, E, D, K, etc., trace elements including iron, zinc, calcium, copper, manganese, selenium and iodine which are easy to absorb without any hormones. At the same time, it contains various immune regulating factors that increase children¡¯s resistance against diseases and viruses without side-effects. Therefore it is a smart choice to add seabuckthorn seed oil to the diet of children including infants.
Synergetic Effects
Seabuckthorn also contains many kinds of substances that are rare in other plants, such as terpene, alkoloid that are also useful for good health. Specialists and scholars are amazed that so many health building factors are combined organically in seabuckthorn seed oil. Research found that the ratio among these bioactive nutrients is so beneficial to human health that they are easily absorbed when taken. These bioactive components are not playing their own games but are well coordinated, supplementing and reinforcing each other to fight pathogens. This synergetic effect, or the integrative effect, can only be achieved by the miracle hand of Mother Nature. For an instance, there are many antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin C, polyphenols, flavonoids, etc. The antioxidant property of seabuckthorn seed oil is not simply the sum total of individual elements, but that of the synergetic effects of all working together, thus superceding the total quantity and achieving a new quality.
Cardiotonic, stomachic, dermatropic, antioxidant, anti-infection, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-radiation, anti-constipation, healthy cholesterol maintaining, blood vessel softening, blood fat reducing, pro-blood circulation and pro-natural healing, Seabuckthorn seed oil has a wide range of uses both internal and external, including the prevention and cure of cardiovascular disease, cancers, ulcers, burns, and immune disease, gastrointestinal disease, respiratory disease, urinary disease such as yeast infection, and gynecological disease, skin disease, etc. As seabuckthorn seed oil protects the white blood cell against damage by radiation and chemotherapy and speeds up regeneration of tissue cells and promoting natural healing, it can provide essential help to those under going radiation and chemotherapy for cancer patients.
It is no exaggeration that seabuckthorn seed oil is a great herb store of natural remedies by itself, and if you decide to take just one supplement, this is IT.