Enzymedica Acid Soothe, 30 Caps
Acid Soothe is a soothing product for individuals suffering from gastrointestinal distress and discomfort. Now with Zinc Carnosine! It contains botanicals and beneficial plant-based enzymes to promote absorption of nutrients and help maintain digestive health. Acid Soothe contains amylase, lipase, and cellulase Thera-blend enzymes to enhance carbohydrate, fat, and fiber digestion.
Occasional Heartburn/Indigestion:
Scientific data suggests, in Western populations, 25% of individuals experience heartburn at least once a month, 12% at least once a week, and 5% experience symptoms daily. Based on current US population, these figures would indicate 77 million people suffering from symptoms of acid reflux at least once a month.ii Although commonly attributed to excessive acid production, occasional heartburn is often a symptom of impaired digestion as a result of factors including lifestyle, diet, and genetics.
Despite its name, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Some of the symptoms, however, are similar to those of a heart attack or heart disease. Heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus that is caused by stomach acid. This can create a burning discomfort in the upper abdomen or below the breast bone.
With gravity's help, a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, keeps stomach acid in the stomach. The LES is located where the esophagus meets the stomach -- below the rib cage and slightly left of center. Normally it opens to allow food into the stomach or to permit belching; then it closes again. But if the LES opens too often or does not close tight enough, stomach acid can reflux, or seep, into the esophagus and cause the burning sensation.
The basic cause of heartburn is a lower esophageal sphincter, or LES, that doesn't tighten as it should. Two excesses often contribute to this problem: too much food in the stomach (overeating) or too much pressure on the stomach (frequently from obesity, pregnancy, or constipation). Certain foods commonly relax the LES, including tomatoes, citrus fruits, garlic, onions, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, caffeinated products, and peppermint. Meals high in fats and oils (animal or vegetable) often lead to heartburn, as do certain medications. Stress and lack of sleep can increase acid production and can cause heartburn. And smoking, which relaxes the LES and stimulates stomach acid, is a major contributor.
After food passes through your esophagus into your stomach, a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) closes, preventing food or acid to move back up. Acid reflux occurs when the LES relaxes inappropriately, allowing acid from your stomach to flow (reflux) backward into your esophagus. But it's important to understand that acid reflux is not a disease caused by excessive acid production in your stomach; rather it's a symptom more commonly related to:
- Hiatal hernia
- Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection (H. pylori bacteria is thought to affect more than half of the world's population, and has been identified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization. While these two conditions are unrelated, many who have a hiatal hernia also have H. pylori, which cause a chronic low-level inflammation of your stomach lining that can result in an ulcer and associated symptoms. If you have a hiatal hernia, physical therapy on the area may work and many chiropractors are skilled in this adjustment.
Helpful Ingredients:
Marshmallow Root has a high protein and mucilage-carbohydrate content which the body can use to manufacture the necessary materials for new tissue production. Marshmallow also has mucilaginous (adhesive) properties enabling it to surround and expel foreign matter, having a soothing effect on the mucosal membrane tissue.
Papaya leaf naturally contains proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes and has been studied for its soothing benefits and cleansing activity within the GI tract. It has been known to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties and natural activity in the removal of improper proteins, promoting less stress on the body’s natural digestive processes.
Herbal ingredients, Prickly Ash and Gotu Kola, provide additional support for soothing discomfort. Prickly Ash is known for aiding tissue recovery during gastrointestinal distress. Gotu Kola is uncommonly rich in B vitamins and potassium and is used as a natural diuretic.
Zinc carnosine is a combination of the trace mineral zinc and L-carnosine. Zinc carnosine is a potent antioxidant, promoting a healthy inflammatory response in the gut. It provides soothing support to the digestive tract, strengthening the mucosal lining of the stomach, and acting as a buffer to gastric acid. Each serving of Acid Soothe provides 20 mg of zinc carnosine. According to a recent clinical trial, researchers reported beneficial effects of zinc carnosine on gut integrity and repair with standard dosages of 37.5 mgi Zinc carnosine does not interfere with acid production instead it works with the natural defenses of the stomach.
Enzymedica is dedicated to providing exceptional enzyme-focused supplements at the most therapeutic levels available in the natural foods industry and beyond. It is their commitment to provide unprecedented education and research that propels individuals on the path to vibrant health. Using cutting-edge formulations, in 1998 Enzymedica introduced Thera-blend™ to the industry. Thera-blend is a proven technology for blending multiple strains of enzymes, shown to be far superior in potency over competing brands.
From the beginning, Enzymedica understood how everything begins with digestion. All food is composed of protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber. The key to turning food into energy is enzymes. Once food is broken down, the body can rebuild and heal, build or create energy and remove toxins.