Bladder irritation is the result of problems with the metabolism, and often accompanies liver and pancreas problems. Excessive alcohol consumption and over-eating are frequent causes. To relieve pain and mild infection in the bladder, urethra, and kidneys, use Bladder Irritation. This complex is also helpful with frequent urination and irritation of the foreskin and vulva. Directions: For mild symptoms take 3 to 6 drops on the tongue 1 to 4 times daily. For intense symptoms take a dose every hour. When symptoms abate continue remedy once a day for several days. Ingredients: Bryonia alba, Cantharis, China, Equisetum hyemale, Ferrumphosphoricum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Pareira brava, Pulsatilla, Terebinthina 15x. Echinaceapurpurea, Hydrastis canadensis, Juniperus communis, Lappa major (Arctium lappa), Solidagovirgaurea 3x. Alcohol 20%.