Newton Homeopathics BREAST HELP, 1 fl oz Liquid
In some cases, breast-feeding a newborn causes problems because of the sensitivity of the breasts and the nipples.
The problem is aggravated when nipples crack and cannot heal because the feeding continues.
Breast Help brings relief topainful or tender breasts and nipples, cracked nipples, and breast soreness. Directions: Take 3 to 6 drops on the tongue several times during the day for relief of symptoms. Anapplication of diluted Echinacea Tincture (one part in five parts of water) on a piece of bandage applied against the sore place may also help relieve pain and speed up the healing. Ingredients: Asterias rubens, Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Chimaphila maculata, Coniummaculatum, Croton tiglium, Graphites, Helonias dioica, Lachesis mutus, Mercurius vivus,Phosphorus, Phytolacca decandra, Silicea 10x. Echinacea purpurea, Hamamelis virginiana,Phytolacca decandra 3x. Alcohol 20%.