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Item #: NLKA1
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Newton Homeopathics KIDS ALLERGIES, 1fl oz Liquid


Formulated for symptoms associated with food and environmental allergens such as congestion, swollen glands, runny nose, cough, rashes and stomach upset.

Children, ages 0 to 11, give 3 drops or pellets orally (ages 12 and up, give 6 drops or pellets) as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional. Under age 2, crush or dissolve pellets in purified water. Sensitive persons begin with 1 drop or pellet and gradually increase to full dose. 

Active Ingredients: Allersodes 60x, Xerophyllum asphodeloides 30x, Aethusa cynapium 15x, Alfalfa 15x, Allersodes 15x, Ambrosia artemisiaefolia 15x, Arsenicum album 15x, Bromium 15x, Bryonia 15x, Calcarea carbonica 15x, Chamomilla 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Euphrasia officinalis 15x, Gelsemium sempervirens 15x, Histaminum hydrochloricum 15x, Juniperus virginiana 15x, Kali iodatum 15x, Lycopersicum esculentum 15x, Lycopodium clavatum 15x, Natrum muriaticum 15x, Pulsatilla 15x, Rhus toxicodendron 15x, Sabadilla 15x, Saccharinum 15x, Saccharum lactis 15x, Solanum tuberosum 15x, Sulphur 15x, Torula cerevisiae 15x, Apis mellifica 3x, Echinacea 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Taraxacum officinale 3x.

Allersodes 60x:
Food~Food Additives - Cheese (English Cheddar, Scots Cheddar, Stilton, Camembert, Brie); Dairy (Full fat milk, Semi-skimmed milk, Skimmed milk, Cream); Egg (whole); Food Additives (Tartrazine, Quinoline yellow, Sunset/Orange yellow, Carmoisine, Amaranth, Cochineal red A, Erythrosine, Red 2G, Indigotine/Indigo carmine, Copper/Chlorophyll complex, Green S, Sodium benzoate, Potassium benzoate, Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate, Sodium metabisulphate, Orthophenylphenol, Sodium nitrite, Sodium nitrate, Ascorbic acid, Sodium mono/bi/triphosphate, Aspartame, Monosodium glutamate); Grains (Barley, Corn, Gluten, Oats, Rice, Rye, Wheat); Meat (Beef, Pork, Lamb, Chicken, Turkey); Shellfish (Clam, Crab, Oyster, Shrimp, Scallop)
Integumentary - Animal epithelium (Cat, Dog, Rabbit, Horse); Dander (Human); Feathers; Hair (Cat, Cow, Dog, Goat, Guinea pig, Hamster, Horse, Human, Rabbit); Human skin; Wool 

Allersodes 15x:
Dust - Hay; House; House dust mites; Hoover vacuum; Straw (Barley, Oat, Rye, Wheat); Wood
Food~Spices - Allium cepa (Red onion); Cynara scolymus (Artichoke); Fish (Trout, Cod, Haddock, Tuna, Salmon, Herring); Fragaria vesca (Wild strawberry); Glycine max (Soybean); Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice); Nuts (Brazil, Cashew, Hazelnut, Peanut, Walnut); Spices (Allium sativum (Garlic), Caffeinum (Caffeine - chocolate, coffee, tea), Capsicum annuum (Cayenne pepper), Cinnamomum (Cinnamon), Mentha piperita (Peppermint), Nux moschata (Nutmeg), Saccharum officinale (Sucrose), Sinapis nigra (Black mustard), Thiosinaminum (Mustard seed oil), Zingiber (Ginger))
Fungus~Molds - Aspergillus niger; Cladosporium
Late Summer/Fall pollens - Aconitum napellus (Monkshood); Arundo mauritanica (Reed grass); Chenopodium anthelminticum (Jerusalem Oak); Cistus canadensis (Frostweed); Drosera (Sundew); Ledum palustre (Wild rosemary); Onosmodium virginianum (Gravel weed); Pulsatilla (Wind flower); Sanguinaria canadensis (Bloodroot); Stramonium (Jimson weed); Triticum repens (Couch grass); Urtica urens (Stinging nettle)
Nightshades - Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade); Dulcamara (Woody Nightshade); Hyoscyamus (Henbane); Solanum nigrum (Black Nightshade); Stramonium (Jimson weed); Tabacum (Tobacco)
Pollens - Grasses (Bent, Brome, Cocksfoot, Crested dogstail, Meadow fescue, Meadow foxtail, Meadow grass, Oat grass, Rye grass, Timothy, Vernal, Yorshire fog); Tree (American Aspen, Ash, Beech, Elm, Hazel, Oak, Poplar, Plane, Silver Birch, Willow); Flowers (Carnation, Daffodil, Daisy, Lily, Primrose, Rose); Shrubs (Broom, Gorse, Hawthorn, Heather)
Spring~Early Summer pollens - Aletris farinosa (Stargrass); Artemisia vulgaris (Mugwort); Lycopus virginicus (Bugleweed); Phytolacca decandra (Pokeweed); Ptelea trifoliata (Wafer Ash); Sambucus nigra (Elder); Trillium pendulum (Lamb's quarter); Wyethia helenioides (Poison weed); Yucca filamentosa (Silkgrass) 

Liquid Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane dispensing alcohol 20%. 

Pellet Inactive Ingredients: Gluten-free, non-GMO, beet-derived sucrose pellets.

According to the Materia Medica the following remedies in Allergies may be administered for the following conditions:
Aethusa cynapium: Remedy suited to infants; Useful in children during dentition and summer complaints; Milk allergy.
Alfalfa: (Alfalfa) Aching in and above eyes.
Allersodes: Dull, heavy feeling in occiput in and above the eyes, worse toward evening.
Ambrosia artemisiaefolia: (Ragweed) Stuffed up feeling of nose and head; Eyes smart and burn.
Apis mellifica: Sudden puffing up of whole body; Allergic shock; Hives.
Arsenicum album: Stomach disorders; Wheezing breathing; Air-passages constricted from allergies.
Bromium: Cough; Stony hard swollen glands; Affects especially scrofulous (anemic, emaciated) children with enlarged glands.
Bryonia: Migraine headaches; Back of throat seems swollen; Cough with sneezing.
Calcarea carbonica: Dull lethargic children who don't want to play; Pale, puffy, pasty face; Swollen glands.
Chamomilla: Flatulence; Extremely sensitive to all smells; Especially of frequent employment in diseases of children, where peevishness, restlessness and colic give the needful indications.
Chelidonium majus: Headaches; Mucus in eyes.
Echinacea: Constant clearing of mucus from throat; Sore throat.
Euphrasia officinalis: Allergies; It affects the mucus membranes of eyes, nose and chest, producing acute cattarh with free acrid, watery secretions.
Gelsemium sempervirens: Streaming of water from nose; Hay fever.
Histaminum hydrochloricum: Allergies; Coughing fits.
Hydrastis canadensis: Secretion runs more from posterior nares; Burning and rawness of sinuses and nasal passages.
Juniperus virginiana: Law of similars.
Kali iodatum: Coughs; Croup; Glandular swellings; Air passages raw.
Lycopersicum esculentum: (Tomato) Violent belching of gas with taste of food; Brownish watery diarrhea.
Lycopodium clavatum: Swelling and suppuration of tonsils; Chronic coryza, blows nose often; tickling cough.
Natrum muriaticum: Violent sneezing; Hawks much mucus, bitter, salty.
Pulsatilla: Aversion to bread, milk, smoking, buck-wheat, warm food and drink; Children like fuss and caresses.
Rhus toxicodendron: Desire for sweets; Extensive distention after eating; Drowsy after eating.
Sabadilla: Obstructions of nostrils; Childrens diarrhea with constant cutting pains.
Saccharinum: (Artificial sweetener/food additive) Law of similars.
Saccharum lactis: (Lactose/milk sugar) Headache; Feeling of distention after eating.
Solanum tuberosum: (Potato) Abdominal pain after eating; Flatulence; Frequent urging to stool.
Sulphur: Allergies; Urticaria (hives); Burning in the eyes.
Taraxacum officinale: (Dandelion) Burning and stinging pain in eyes; Sore throat with pressive pain, as from internal swelling.
Torula cerevisiae: (Brewer's/Baker's yeast) Poor digestion; Constipation; Irritable and nervous.
Xerophyllum asphodeloides: (Basket grass flower) Sneezing; Eyes feel sore, burn.



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