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Item #: NLCON1
Reg. Price: $22.00
Our Price: $20.00

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Newton Homeopathics Kids CONSTIPATION, 1 fl oz Liquid

Formulated for associated symptoms such as difficult elimination, hard stools, pain, tenderness, pressure and irritability.

Children, ages 0 to 11, give 3 drops or pellets orally (ages 12 and up, give 6 drops or pellets) as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional. Under age 2, crush or dissolve pellets in purified water. Sensitive persons begin with 1 drop or pellet and gradually increase to full dose. 

Active Ingredients: Abies nigra 15x, Aesculus hippocastanum 15x, Aloe socotrina 15x, Alumina 15x, Bryonia 15x, Carbo vegetabilis 15x, Chelidonium majus 15x, Collinsonia canadensis 15x, Graphites 15x, Hydrastis canadensis15x, Kali carbonicum 15x, Lycopodium clavatum 15x, Magnesia muriatica 15x, Mezereum 15x, Nux vomica 15x, Podophyllum peltatum 15x, Rhamnus purshiana 15x, Sanicula 15x, Selenium metallicum 15x, Sepia 15x, Silicea 15x, Tabacum 15x, Veratrum album 15x, Zincum metallicum 15x, Echinacea 3x, Iris versicolor 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Taraxacum officinale 3x. 

Liquid Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane dispensing alcohol 20%. 

Pellet Inactive Ingredients: Gluten-free, non-GMO, beet-derived sucrose pellets.

According to the Materia Medica the following remedies in Constipation may be administered for the following conditions:
Abies nigra: Constipation; Pain in the stomach always comes after eating.
Aesculus hippocastanum: Constipation; Hard, dry, knotty, white stools.
Aloe socotrina: Constipation with heavy pressure in lower part of abdomen; Child goes around the house, dropping little round marble-like stools.
Alumina: Constipation of infants; Itching and burning at anus.
Bryonia: Constipation; Feces too large, with difficult evacuation.
Carbo vegetabilis: Constipation; Discharge of blood from rectum; Hard tough scanty stool.
Chelidonium majus: Constipation; Stools float; Burning and itching of anus; Alternating constipation and diarrhea.
Collinsonia canadensis: Constipation of children from intestinal atony; Bowels not moved for days, constant pressure in rectum with a heavy dragging ache in pelvis.
Echinacea: Abdomen is tender and distended
Graphites: Constipation, large, difficult, knotty stools united by mucus threads; Smarting, sore pain in anus on wiping it.
Hydrastis canadensis: Obstinate constipation.
Iris versicolor: Constipation.
Kali carbonicum: Stools, difficult of large, hard lumps, then burning or torn feeling.
Lycopodium clavatum: Stool is hard, difficult, small and incomplete; Constipation of long standing.
Magnesia muriatica: Constipation of infants, during dentition (teething), only passing small quantity, stools are knotty like sheep's dung, crumbling at verge of anus; Is frequently indicated in children.
Mezereum: Constipation, stool dark brown, in knots, very hard balls, with great straining but not painful; Swelling of glands with large abdomen in children.
Nux vomica: Frequent but ineffectual anxious effort to evacuate (in infants) or sensation as if anus were contracted or closed.
Phytolacca decandra: Constipation; Bleeding from rectum.
Podophyllum peltatum: Constipation alternating with diarrhea; Constipation, clay-colored, hard, dry, difficult.
Rhamnus purshiana: Hemorrhoids and severe constipation.
Sanicula: Stool of one large heavy mass, foul like rotten cheese, dry small balls, must be removed or crumbles at the verge of anus; Constipation, children.
Selenium metallicum: Constipation from rectal weakness with flatulence.
Sepia: Constipation obstinate, no urging for days; Dark-brown, round balls glued together with mucus.
Silicea: Stools retained for fear of pain.
Tabacum: Habitual constipation.
Taraxacum officinale: Evacuations several times a day.
Veratrum album: Constipation of babies.
Zincum metallicum: Constipation; hard, small, constipated stool.






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