Newton Homeopathics STAGE FRIGHT-FEAR, 1 fl oz Liquid
Formulated for symptoms associated with performance anxiety such as apprehension, nausea, restlessness, trembling and over-sensitivity.
Directions: Ages 12 and up, take 6 drops or pellets orally (ages 0 to 11, give 3 drops or pellets) as needed or as directed by a healthcare professional. Under age 2, crush or dissolve pellets in purified water. Sensitive persons begin with 1 drop or pellet and gradually increase to full dose.
Active Ingredients: Aconitum napellus 15x, Anacardium orientale 15x, Argentum nitricum 15x, Arsenicum album 15x, Cypripedium pubescens 15x, Gelsemium sempervirens 15x, Ignatia amara 15x, Kali carbonicum 15x, Lycopodium clavatum 15x, Natrum muriaticum 15x, Phosphorus 15x, Sambucus nigra 15x, Sepia 15x, Staphysagria 15x, Stramonium 15x, Tarentula hispana 15x, Theridion 15x, Passiflora incarnata 3x, Valeriana officinalis 3x.
Liquid Inactive Ingredients: USP Purified water; USP Gluten-free, non-GMO, organic cane dispensing alcohol 20%.
Pellet Inactive Ingredients: Gluten-free, non-GMO, beet-derived sucrose pellets.
According to the Materia Medica the following remedies in Stage Fright~Fear may be administered for the following conditions: Aconitum napellus: Great fear and anxiety; Fears a crowd; Nightmares, phobias, panic attacks; Fears public speaking with panic and anxiety. Anacardium orientale: Lack of confidence in himself or others; Fear of examination in students. Argentum nitricum: Fear of hights, flying; Anticipation; Apprehension; Panic and anxiety attacks; Impulse to jump when crossing a bridge. Arsenicum album: Oversensitive; Suspicious; Fear of being alone. Cypripedium pubescens: Nervous debility; Sleeplessness and agitation; Indifference. Gelsemium sempervirens: Bad effects from fright, fear, exciting news. Ignatia amara: Ailments from greif, fright or emotional shock, disappointments; Oversensitive; Nervous. Kali carbonicum: Full of fear and imaginations; Anxiety and fear when alone; Hypersensitive to pain, noise, touch. Lycopodium clavatum: Stage-fright; Anticipation; Apprehensive; Suspicious. Natrum muriaticum: Claustrophobia; Anxiety and fear. Passiflora incarnata: Has a quieting effect on the nervous system. Phosphorus: Anxious; Fears being alone, ghosts, thunderstorms; Restless, fidgety; Startles easily. Sambucus nigra: General trembling with anxiety; Fright followed by suffocative tasks. Sepia: Constantly worries, frets and cries about her real or imaginary illness. Staphysagria: Deep guilt and shame; Nervous, irritable. Stramonium: Remedy for terrors; Cannot bear darkness; Anxiety when going through tunnels; Fear and anxiety on hearing water run. Tarentula hispana: Sensitive to music; Impulsive; Doesn't want to be alone. Theridion: Hysteria; Cardiac anxiety. Valeriana officinalis: Heart palpitations; Dreads being alone.