Red Clover is a flowering plant that flourishes in meadows and fields throughout Europe, North America and northern and central Asia. It is mentioned in the traditional medical texts of both Eastern and Western civilizations for a variety of ailments.
Red clover has long been used as a blood cleanser, a blood purifier, often used for the potential treatment of cancer. The flower is a mainstay ingredient in traditional herbal formulas, including Essiac Tea, Jason Winters Tea, and the Hoxsey Therapy. the compounds biochanin-A, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, coumarin, formononetin, genistein and isorhamnetin all demonstrate some anti-cancer properties, in various published studies.
Because of its concentration of the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein, which mimic the activity of estrogen, red clover has been studied for its use in alleviating the discomfort of menopause. The clinical studies have been done on Red Clover to verify its benefits and its effectiveness in getting relief from hot flashes. Dur to it's blood purifing properties, red clover has been used with success on pimples, boils, and other skin eruptions.
NOW Foods was founded in 1968 under the belief that good health was not a luxury available only to the wealthy. For the past forty-five years, they have made it their life's work to offer health food and nutritional supplements of the highest quality, at prices that are fair and affordable to all those who seek them.
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