Royal Jelly is a substance produced by worker honey bees. Bee colonies function on a hierarchical system: Bees all start out as unisex larvae, then they break off different roles within their colony. The worker bees, the drones, and The Queen Bee. The workers and drones have a typical life span of 3-4 months, whereas The Queen Been can live for up to 7 years. What differentiates the role of The Queen Bee from the workers and the drones is quite simply what she is fed- she starts off the same as the rest of colony but her diet transforms her into The Queen Bee. Workers and drones are fed royal jelly when they hatch, followed by pollen and honey for the following 6 days. The Queen Bee lives exclusively on royal jelly for her entire life.
Benefits of Royal Jelly:
-lowered cholesterol
-prolonged life span due to high antioxidant levels
-helps to keep skin smooth, toned and elastic
-protects the liver
-reduces arthritic pain
-boosted metabolism