Peaceful Mountain Shingles Rescue, 1.4oz
An effective, safe, and natural gel for the temporary relief of pain associated with shingles.
For many people, the shingles virus often causes extreme pain and discomfort and the search for a treatment to ease the suffering is frequently met with disappointment and continued agony.
Shingles Rescue contains homeopathic components specifically chosen to provide pain relief and healing support.
It also contains specific herbs selected for their skin soothing properties.
Ingredients for Shingles Rescue:
Active Ingredients: Althaea Officinalis 12X, Calendula Officinalis 12X, Croton Tiglium 30X, Natrum Muriaticum 30X, Plantago
Major 30X, Rhus Toxicodendron 30X, Sarsaparilla 30X
Inactive Ingredients:Aloe Vera (leaf juice), Chaparral (leaf), Comfrey (leaf), Poke (berry), St. John’s Wort (aerial parts), Vitamin C,
and Vitamin E in a water-based gel.