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Item #: NLFOO
Reg. Price: $22.00
Our Price: $19.00

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Newton Homeopathics FOOD ALLERGY-ADDITIVES, 1 fl oz Liquid



In our increasingly polluted world, many people suffer constantly from allergies.

Allergies take various forms, causing digestive, respiratory, and skin problems and can be triggered by a number of different allergens.

The reason that these allergens trigger bothersome responses is because our toxic environment eventually undermines the liver’s ability to cleanse the body of toxins, which in turn results in poor intestinal health and poor digestion.

When your body can no longer digest sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals, a deficiency syndrome results.

These deficiencies then cause the body to negatively react to natural substances (allergens) from the environment resulting in chronic allergic conditions.

If you are suffering from exposure to toxic food additives such as MSG or artificial sweetener, Food Additive Formula can help the body remove these toxins.

Directions: Take 3 to 6 drops on the tongue every morning and again in the afternoon. For intense allergy symptoms, take a dose up to every 10 minutes until symptoms abate.

Because of the toxic and digestive involvement in allergy development, the addition of Bowel Discomfort and Detoxifier complexes is especially important.

Ingredients: Antimonium crudum, Arsenicum album, Baptisia tinctoria, China, Food Additive Isodes, Gelsemium sempervirens, Ipecacuanha, Lachesis Mutus, Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Podophyllum, Rhus toxicodendron, Saccharinum, Torula cerevisiae, Ustilago maydis 10x. Carduus benedictus, Iris versicolor, Solidago virgaurea, Verbascum thapsus 3x. Alcohol 20%.






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